Getting 521 error
The 521 is from your origin server and it’s either down or port 443 is not open.
Some questions, was the site working before? If so, what changed? If not, is it newly setup?
Some quick fix ideas to investigate here, Community Tip - Fixing Error 521: Web server is down.
Please post back and let us know the issue.
yes, this site working on another server, and still working on I have migrated this site to yesterday with all basic things.
When I have created the new droplet on digital ocean. and migrated the data to the new server IP ADDRESS was working fine which means when I hit enter the newly installed server’s IP address it working fine but new domain is not pointing to origin server with the help of Cloudflare.
New update: when i done this change ‘Flexible’ SSL under the SSL/TLS app on the dashboard. my site ( is working fine but main site not working.
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