From Yesterday, my site gave error 1000 DNS points to prohibited IP. I did not change anything in DNS record of my website. IP address added in DNS setting was correct. Then to resolve the issue I turned off Proxy and Let it be DNS only. Then my site was live again. I noticed that SSL setting in Cloudflare were Full(strict) which I set to Full from past 3 years. But i don’t know how it changed. So, i changed it back to Full now. Although in Cloudflare community Full(Strict) was recommended but with my hosting Full worked flawlessly from years. Currenlty, in DNS proxy is disable but i want to enable and need your help to let me know why i get 1000 error if i enable proxy in DNS. DNS record is 100% correct i have verified form my hosting provider.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
Yes we are using GoDaddy hosting and issue is totally identical to the thread. But i think disabling proxy is a temporary solution. I asked Godaddy and told me to ask Cloudflare team.
I contacted the Godaddy team after an hour of investigation they said, “This is a problem on the Cloudflare side as it’s not redirecting the website when Proxy is enabled.”
When I checked DNS for the site when Proxy is enabled it showed triple IP addresses instead of the two IPs that are shown for the site working normally with Cloudflare. Screenshots attached.
Can the Cloudflare team help me with this the hosting provider clearly said the issue is on the Cloudflare side?