Gatsby SSR 404ing on / with CF Pages

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What is the issue or error you’re encountering

I have a gatsby app setup for SSR and it’s 404ing on the index page. There is a function configured at that is successfully running and returning the response but the index route which hits that function is 404ing. It is returning the 404 page from the app itself, not a cloudflare generic one.

Screenshot of the error

index.js code:

import * as React from "react"

export async function getServerData() {
  try {
    const res = await fetch(``)

    if (!res.ok) {
      throw new Error(`Response failed`)

    return {
      props: await res.json(),
  } catch (error) {
    return {
      status: 500,
      headers: {},
      props: {}

const IndexPage = ({ serverData }) => (
    <h1> Gatsby SSR with Geolocation POC</h1>
    <p> Datacenter: {serverData.colo} </p>
    <p> Country: {} </p>
    <p> City: {} </p>
    <p> Continent: {serverData.continent} </p>
    <p> Latitude: {serverData.latitude} </p>
    <p> Longitude: {serverData.longitude} </p>
    <p> Postal Code: {serverData.postalCode} </p>
    <p> Metro Code: {serverData.metroCode} </p>
    <p> Region: {serverData.region} </p>
    <p> Region Code: {serverData.regionCode} </p>
    <p> Timezone: {serverData.timezone} </p>

export default IndexPage

export const Head = () => <title>Home Page</title>

function code:

export async function onRequest(context) {
  const request = context.request;
  const data = {
    colo: request?.cf?.colo || 'NA',
    country: request?.cf?.country || 'NA',
    city: request?.cf?.city || 'NA',
    continent: request?.cf?.continent || 'NA',
    latitude: request?.cf?.latitude || 'NA',
    longitude: request?.cf?.longitude || 'NA',
    postalCode: request?.cf?.postalCode || 'NA',
    metroCode: request?.cf?.metroCode || 'NA',
    region: request?.cf?.region || 'NA',
    regionCode: request?.cf?.regionCode || 'NA',
    timezone: request?.cf?.timezone || 'NA'

  return Response.json(data);
