Fallo en la activacion de mi dominio

What is the name of the domain?

*removed out of privacy concerns since the domain is still available.

What is the issue you’re encountering

Hace casi 1 semana adquirí el dominio a través de Cloudflare Registrar y me lo cobro, hasta ahí, todo bien. Como me lo cobro, imagine que me lo habían otorgado ya pero resulta que aún sigue sin verificar y según lo que me comentó un usuario de la comunidad de discord, tengo que ponerme en contacto por aquí con un staff porque no se activo bien ya que no tiene fecha de expiracion.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Que me arreglen el problema verificando el dominio o arreglando el bug de facturación ya que he pagado por el. Si no se puede hacer eso, me tendrán que dar un reembolso.

Billing issues requre a Billing ticket with Support


In what area can we help you?

Payment issue

Screenshot of the error

*removed out of privacy concerns since the domain is still available.

That does not seem to be the case. The domain registrar for *** is not tridtered through cloudflare registrar. Whois shows

name:         TLD Registry Services Management
organisation: Nominet UK

Were you transferring the domain to cloudflare registrar? I do see a couple of failures in the audit log for the purchase, meaning the purchase was not successful, in that case our systems would automatically refund or not charge for the domain. For how long have you owned the domain?

Lo adquiri durante 2 años y lo adquiri hace 1 semana

Check your audit log, it appears the purchase failed.

Audit log is here, https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/audit-log

Okey, ya vi que fallo, pero, me lo van a activar o que?

You need to change your nameservers at the current registrar to have it active on cloudflare.

El problema es que lo adquiri en Cloudflare Registrar

That purchase failed

The registrar showing on whois is

You should contact them to change the nameservers. The domain cannot be transferred to cloudflare registrar until it is active on cloudflare. At the moment, it is not

Nor does it appear to have ever been on cloudflare

From you dash sparrowmc.uk aún no está activo en Cloudflare Actualice los servidores de nombre de su registrador para activar los servicios de Cloudflare para este dominio.

Oye pues quiero mi devolucion ya que lo adquiri en Cloudflare Registrar y tengo pruebas.

Hi there,

Your original case was resolved and now marked as closed, since the issue seems to still not be resolved, I’ve created case 01215205 as a follow-up.
I’m now pinging the registrar team to take a look at this and get back to you on the new case.

Take care.

@manupfdz7 the team is awaiting your reply on the ticket

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