Failed to lookup registrar and hosting information of (domainname) at this time. Please contact Cloudflare Support or try again later. (Code: 1110)

Hi, When I want to add my domain with .me extension to Cloudflare account, I encounter such a problem and I can not reach a solution. I’m glad you helped me how to do it. I do not understand what the problem is.

"Failed to lookup registrar and hosting information of (domainname) at this time. Please contact Cloudflare Support or try again later. (Code: 1110)"

If it was a brand new domain it may not have yet propagated from your registrar to the whois servers we check or there could have been an issue with the TLD servers. I would recommend trying again and if you continue to have issues contacting support, login to Cloudflare and then contact Cloudflare Support

i’m having the same problem with my .me domain i cannot add it, my domain isn’t new, it exists for 4years+ already and dns have not been changed for while

I’m having the same problem with a .me domain. Have you tried running a whois to your domain from a command line? It seems like all .me domains are having trouble being looked up, even the registry’s domain:

~ ❯❯❯ whois
getaddrinfo( Temporary failure in name resolution

Online tools such as work just fine.

I would still recommend filing a ticket - hopefully they can resolve the issue soon.

I also encountered the same problem, error:1110
can you help us?

I’m trying to add a new website to my Cloudflare dashboard but I’m getting this error message:

Failed to lookup registrar and hosting information of at this time. Please contact Cloudflare Support or try again later. (Code: 1110)

What could it be? I have more than 5 websites on my account and this is the first time with this kind of problem.

Anything would help. Thanks!’s DNSSEC is on :fire:.

Now we know who uses whois and validates DNSSEC. was fixed a couple hours ago. Y’all probably shouldn’t be experiencing issues anymore – at least with .me domains.


I’ve been trying to add a domain with the extension .me and .co but still can not. Does anyone feel the same way?

“Error: Failed to lookup registrar and hosting information of at this time. Please contact Cloudflare Support or try again later.”

I’ve successfully added some .me domains here. Someone is having a similar problem in this thread:

Thank you for answer but still can’t

Open up a Support Ticket. They may be able to find out why it’s failing.

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