Explain How Tiered Cache Works and Cache Questions

What is the name of the domain?

not needed


  1. How does it work
  2. When i have it disabled it goes to LIS server (closest to me)
    When i have it enabled it goes to MAD, CDG (i know isp also has affects it)
    Why is it that?
    Most of my request (90%) comes from Lisbon
  3. Is it ok if cloudflare caches few files around 90 mb (they are requests 10-20 or 30 times a day)



Cloudflare cacheable file limits:

Free, Pro and Business customers have a limit of 512 MB.
For Enterprise customers the default maximum cacheable file size is 5 GB. Contact your account team to request a limit increase.

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Should i enable it or not because i saw from other posts to disable it if you want to use all global servers

Cloudflare website always connects to Lisbon and few websites from the past (dont remember the url)

js .org
cloudflare-test-target.judge .sh
www.artstation .com
just out of curiosity
i use free plan

I’d say this one doesn’t make much sense.

Tiered Cache (alone) shouldn’t be changing where you are routed to.

It may however change which Cloudflare facility that is connecting to your origin (server behind Cloudflare).

For example, with something hosted in a house in Denmark, - without Tiered Caching (= disabled), it would be:

Visitor ↔ CF Amsterdam ↔ CF Amsterdam connects directly to Origin.
Visitor ↔ CF New York ↔ CF New York connects directly to Origin.
Visitor ↔ CF Hong Kong ↔ CF Hong Kong connects directly to Origin.

Same example, with something hosted in a house in Denmark, - but with Tiered Caching (= enabled), it would be:

Visitor ↔ CF Amsterdam ↔ CF Hamburg ↔ CF Hamburg connects to Origin.
Visitor ↔ CF New York ↔ CF Hamburg ↔ CF Hamburg connects to Origin.
Visitor ↔ CF Hong Kong ↔ CF Hamburg ↔ CF Hamburg connects to Origin.

So instead of having more than 300 Cloudflare different locations that would need to fetch, and cache your resource one by one, -

The extra layer added here by Tiered Cache, with Hamburg in the middle, means that if Hamburg has seen the data, then Amsterdam, New York and/or Hong Kong will be fetching it from already existing cache in Hamburg, rather than going all the way to the origin (server behind Cloudflare).

Without Tiered Cache, … all 300+ different Cloudflare locations would be caching a such file, each 300+ Cloudflare locations would have to have requested the file at least once from your origin (server behind Cloudflare), meaning 300+ requests to your server.

With Tiered Cache, … just one Cloudflare facility would need to have requested your file once, causing only one single (1) request to your server, rather than 300+, as long as the cached item is still valid.

If you’re looking to cache as much as possible, and reduce load on your origin (server behind Cloudflare) as much as possible, then I would suggest enabling it.

For static content that you can cache (e.g. images and so forth), it can both speed up your website and help defend your server by reducing the queries that Cloudflare has to make to your origin.

Whether it is ok or not, is a different discussion, and if we’re looking specifically at the things outlined under Service-Specific Terms - Content Delivery Network:


Your mention of “around 90 mb” makes me think, that these files sound to fall within the “other large files via the CDN” part of the above context.

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Free, Pro and Business customers have a limit of 512 MB.

so i have no problem

That is the maximum file size for caching on these plans, yes.

A file size limit of 512 MB for caching doesn’t mean that everything is perfectly fine, just because it fits within the 512 MB limit.

The ToS still applies, even if the file size is just 1 byte.

ok thanks

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