Error: One or more processes are already bound to port 53: mDNSResponder

Posting this here since the original thread was prematurely closed.

After upgrading docker desktop on mac to 4.24.x, I was getting this error when starting warp on MacOS:

The WARP agent must be the only process responsible for DNS resolution on this device. One or more processes are already bound to port 53: mDNSResponder

The solution seems to be:

  • Edit ~/Library/Group\ Containers/ and set “kernelForUDP” to false
  • Restart Docker Desktop


Worked for me

It worked for me too!

I just spend whole week trying to figure this issue out, since I’m not using Docker Desktop.
I’m using Podman Desktop and it wasn’t the problem…

Apparently I installed minikube in QEMU, and this installation needed socket_vmnet! And this driver caused mDNSResponder to bind on :53!

So for future reference, if it’s not Docker, it might be socket_vmnet (installed via brew in my case)

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You just saved me a week. I owe you a beer!

If you have docker running, simply quitting docker also works. Try that before tinkering with other stuff.