Error: Email Domain Authentication for Follow- Up Boss

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

Not Authenticating

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

After copying the DNS records found in the screenshot to Cloudflare, still I get error authenticating Follow Up Boss. Any idea?

Screenshot of the error

This domain is NOT using Cloudflare name servers.


Because your domain does not use Cloudflare name servers, any changes you’re trying to make through Cloudflare won’t propagate at all.

Contact your authoritative DNS provider, - which seems to be Go Daddy (with the two name servers, and, and ask them for further advice on how to set up the mentioned DNS record(s) from their end.

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Hi DarkDevil. I apologize. The concerned domain is, not

and is using Cloudflare nameservers.

We’ve already tried authenticating other platforms such as Constant Contact and ClickFunnels with no problem at all. We only encounter much delay with Followup Boss.

No worries, - that mistake is changing it a bit though:



For the first one, the one that is named “878._domainkey”, you’re actually having two DNS records, with that name.

A DNS lookup gives these:

$ dig TXT 300 IN  TXT     "k=rsa;  t=s; \010 p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDrkQX7ItIbA2MsTR2qFgIjNIDpyHwF9JqCMib6QwcSpvzTseZgkWoE2d/U+BK4t4XfyrL+U7p+aUfVX2pIvz6cqsg2PLJKtoYJImpbvSdCLhRpkfR1YY28qpBd/lh84eakHEWVMzgqpCtrD1PndQZ2ovn5auT405NXRWIAdKITJwIDAQAB" 300 IN  TXT     "k=rsa;t=s;p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDrkQX7ItIbA2MsTR2qFgIjNIDpyHwF9JqCMib6QwcSpvzTseZgkWoE2d/U+BK4t4XfyrL+U7p+aUfVX2pIvz6cqsg2PLJKtoYJImpbvSdCLhRpkfR1YY28qpBd/lh84eakHEWVMzgqpCtrD1PndQZ2ovn5auT405NXRWIAdKITJwIDAQAB"

Other than that, if we’re looking away from “878._domainkey”, everything else seems to be configured exactly as in your screenshot.

So I will suggest you to verify these two DNS records, and then delete the incorrect one.

They are actually the same records. One was added manually. The other was via automation (Entri). I already deleted the latter, which no space/s. Im not really sure what exactly is the error, since as you’ve mentioned, everything looks exactly configured. But, the FUB still isn’t authenticated even after redoing it for the nth time.

I guess it just appears that way, due to a display issue:

The actual DNS record is now reading:

$ dig TXT 300 IN  TXT     "k=rsa; \010 t=s; \010 p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDrkQX7ItIbA2MsTR2qFgIjNIDpyHwF9JqCMib6QwcSpvzTseZgkWoE2d/U+BK4t4XfyrL+U7p+aUfVX2pIvz6cqsg2PLJKtoYJImpbvSdCLhRpkfR1YY28qpBd/lh84eakHEWVMzgqpCtrD1PndQZ2ovn5auT405NXRWIAdKITJwIDAQAB"

I suspect the two “\010” may have been due to a copy-paste error.

Can you click “[Edit]”, and see if you can get them away?

Alternatively, if they are not showing up, then try replacing the contents of the text box with this:

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Done. Thanks.

Should there be no space between ; and t, and ; and p?

According to the Internet standards, the space(s) between the “key=value” pairs, as in your example, shouldn’t matter.

However, if it was in the middle of a value, e.g. “k=r sa” instead of “k=rsa”, things would likely break.

That said, -

Bad implementations have been seen before, - so I won’t be able to guarantee how strict Follow Up Boss’s (or anyone else’s) systems may have been made, in regards to that, and whether they break with (or without) them.

Copy. It will take 48 hours to verify. Will update you once there’s still action required. Thanks a lot!

Hi there,

I have an update. There is still an error. Still not authenticated. Don’t know whats wrong really.

Have you asked Follow Up Boss about what they see from their end?

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Your Name Server (NS) records are still pointing to godaddy, you need to log into go daddy and change it the NS in your cloudflare dashboard.

You can easily see it, when you do a NS Lookup

Here are the instructions:

To update the name server records in GoDaddy, follow these steps:

1. **Log in to GoDaddy**:
   - Go to [GoDaddy's website]( and log in to your account.

2. **Access Domain Management**:
   - In the top-right corner, click on your account name and then select **My Products** from the drop-down menu.
   - Scroll down to the **Domains** section, then find the domain for which you want to update the name servers and click **DNS** or **Manage DNS** next to it.

3. **Edit Name Servers**:
   - On the DNS Management page, look for the **Nameservers** section.
   - Click on the **Change** button next to the current nameservers.

4. **Choose Custom Nameservers**:
   - In the pop-up window, select **Enter my own nameservers (advanced)**.
   - Enter the new name server addresses in the provided fields. If you have multiple name servers, click **Add Nameserver** to add more fields.

5. **Save Changes**:
   - Once you've entered the new name server information, click **Save**.

6. **Confirm Changes**:
   - If prompted, confirm your decision to change the name servers. The change might take a few hours to propagate across the internet.

Your domain will now start using the updated name servers, and it may take some time (typically 24 to 48 hours) for the changes to fully propagate.

They’ve already established it’s not that domain.

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