Error 525 SSL failed


I have a problem on my site for a few days [ERROR 525 / SSL handshake failed]
I put a Letsencrypt free ssl for 3 or 4 days which works very well, but when I configure Cloudflare I have this error 525
my website:

It looks like it’s working now.

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Yes it’s fine for the moment but by other times I have the error, until the cache is purged so that it comes back, I don’t really understand where the problem is…

Dont you already have a thread about that topic?

yes it was a friend who opened the post early on time

A friend with a very similar name.

Anyhow, I guess the server is still misconfigured and from that perspective a 525 is probably not much of a surprise. You need to fix your server.

01-Well I took the mailbox of the site here is everything, the name is by default to give you more details
02-for the site when I put cloudflare on pause the site works very well but when I put back cloudflare I have this error intermittently

You appear to have moved the domain to another Cloudflare account since yesterday.

Yesterday, your server did not work very well as I addressed in my other response. I assume this hasnt been fixed yet, so you’d need to address that. If you have, you probably still have an issue with your server and should check out the #CommunityTip for 525.

I have no problem on the site without cloudflare, the free ssl works fine.

as I just explained above, the problem comes when I start cloudflare, but when I pause cloudflare the site works fine

Did you check out the mentioned link?

As @sdayman said, your site loads fine over Cloudflare right now.

If you have intermittent issues, your server’s HTTPS listener will intermittently not work properly. You best have a look at your server logs in this case.

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maybe i bother you by asking my problem?
your link does not include error 525 but I did a search on the forum before posting my message

I always have a problem with Cloudflare, when I put cloudflare on pause my site works and when I put back cloudflare I have this error, I just contact my host, they tell me that everything is functional on their side…

You have a problem with your webserver, not Cloudflare :slight_smile:

At this point I would recommend you pause Cloudflare altogether (bottom right on your Overview screen) and first sort out these server issues. Once everything is up and running you unpause Cloudflare again.

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But when I pause cloudflare the site works fine

Fair enough, though going through Cloudflare it also loads fine right now


Can you unpause it and check again?

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he’s been on break since this morning …

Ehm, that is what I addressed :slight_smile:

i will activate cloudflare and monitor…