I have a website hosted by cloudflare pages with my domain as Alias. I have made all the possible configuration but I’m still getting error 522 especially when the linked is clicked on our LinkedIn page. To reproduce the error go to our linked in page and click on our website link.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I have changed https config to full instead of flexible. I have followed most suggestions on the forums to no avail
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
I don’t know
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Go to out company linkedin Page click on the website link and you should be able to reproduce the problem
It seems you configured aimtechai.com as a Custom Domain in your Pages project, and this works. And if you should change the link in LinkedIn to https://aimtechai.com, I’ve no doubt it will work.
So LinkedIn has nothing to do with this: the real problem is you used the URL http://www.aimtechai.com on LinkedIn, but the www subdomain is not properly configured.
You should either:
Add www.aimtechai.com to the Pages project as a second custom domain. Simply CNAMEing it to the root domain (or even to the pages.dev subdomain) is not enough.