Error 1097 Add site

Não consigo add meu site, dar essa mensagem:

Esta zona está proibida e não pode ser adicionada ao Cloudflare neste momento. Entre em contato com o Suporte Cloudflare. (Código: 1097)

o que devo fazer?
Como entrar em contato com o suporte?

Hi @Deiarsd, sorry for the issue. Here is a good tutorial on the 1097 error, Zone Banned and/or Other Zone Restricted Errors

The tip has details but to reach Support, login to Cloudflare and then contact Cloudflare Support, click the ‘Get more help’ button and create a support ticket.

Click the :globe_with_meridians: icon under any post to translate it to your language.

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Ok, obrigada! Vou ler esses tutoriais e tentar add o site.

If your receive the same error, open a ticket with Cloudflare Support and ask them to remove the ban from the zone if possible.

É continua dando erro, abrir um ticket, vou aguardar. Muito obrigada!

Perfect, please do tell the support team the name of the domain you are trying to add.


Hi @Deiarsd, while we’re waiting on support, part (perhaps all) of the issue you’re having may be related to the existing name servers. Can you contact your registrar and have them remove the name server called

That is not a valid Cloudflare name server and the only name servers on the domain should be the default servers. Once you add it to Cloudflare you’ll be given the name of two servers, ask your domain registrar to replace all their default name servers with the two that Cloudflare assigns.

{edited} I do not see any ban on the domain and suspect the above issue may be 100% {edit} a part {/} of the problem.

ok, DNS excluido

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