Error 1001: Custom Hostname not resolving (SaaS Provider)

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

The hostname is using Cloudflare and cannot be activated with an TXT or HTTP validation token. To activate the custom hostname, the DNS target needs to point to the SaaS zone

What is the issue you’re encountering

The custom hostname is not resolving to the saas provider domain, despite A record pointing to SaaS IP addresses

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

The custom domain has A records setup, pointing to the SaaS Provider’s IP addresses. They also have the CNAME for www pointing to the root of their domain.

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Going to the domain gives the 1001 error

Screenshot of the error

Hello, the common causes:-

  • A web request was sent to a Cloudflare IP address for a non-existent Cloudflare domain.
  • An external domain that is not on using Cloudflare has a CNAME record to a domain active on Cloudflare
  • The target of the DNS CNAME record does not resolve.
  • A CNAME record in your Cloudflare DNS app requires resolution via a DNS provider that is currently offline.
  • Always Online is enabled for a Custom Hostname (Cloudflare for SaaS) domain.


A non-Cloudflare domain cannot CNAME to a Cloudflare domain unless the non-Cloudflare domain is added to a Cloudflare account.

Attempting to directly access DNS records used for Cloudflare CNAME setups also causes error 1001 (For example:

Disable Always Online if using Custom Hostname (Cloudflare for SaaS) domain.

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