hello. my emails from my website (email server) getting into gmail spam folder so I research about it and findout that I should configure spf and dkim. so in my email deliverability in capnel it shows error: this system does not control DNS for the “niyazhaa.ir” domain. contact the person responsible for for the “pat.ns.cloudflare.com”
I changed mx and txt records in cloudflare but nothing happened.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
I can see both the SPF and DKIM records. However, the target of the MX record should be a DNS-Only record.
You might want to delete your CNAME record that is named mail and replace it with an A record with name mail and your IP address, DNS-Only.
Then change the target of the MX record to mail.niyazhaa.ir
Also, there is no reverse DNS (PTR) record for your IP address. I see that you have tried to create one in Cloudflare, but this record must be created with your hosting provider. You can delete the PTR record from Cloudflare.
thank you again.
I mentioned all of your comments to my provider but they said all of settings is ok!!
my original email report shows that all of things is ok but yet it spams my email:
Ok, I’m sorry. I made a typo when I checked for your PTR record:
That should’ve been 72.38. You are right that your PTR record works correctly. I’m really sorry for wasting your time in that regard.
But you are saying that email are still delivered to Spam in Google? Do you send those email the same way you sent the test email for mail-tester, or did you sent that via a different email program?
No, I really appreciate you giving me your time.
Yes, I exactly did as past. As I posted email details previously, it showed that all of the 3 records (spf etc) passed the test!
what do you think about “unsubscribe link”? my emails text was just “hello”.
You absolutely need to have an unsubscribe link for newsletters or other mass-emails.
Transactional email (emails that you only send to one recipient) on the other hand shouldn’t need an unsubscribe link. Though there is nothing wrong with having a link to “Manage Email Settings” or something similar.
The test showed that your DNS settings are all fine. If your emails are still going to spam, that will be content-based or reputation-based. Content would be stuff like an unsubscribe link or just your message in general, while reputation would include the age of your domain and the evaluation of previous messages etc.
in some documents mentioned that you should want your customers (email receivers) to un-spam your emails to say google that the email is trusted then google change it’s policy against you!