Dudas referentes a registros dns de hover a cloudflare

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Actualmente tengo servicio con hover.com, pero el problema es que necesito agregar un registro DKIM 2048 bits y hover no lo soporta, entonces me sugieren que utilice un servicio de terceros para dns, y me sugieren Cloudflare

Mi duda es, ¿como hago ese movimiento?.. y ¿necesito cambiar mi dominio a Cloudflare?

You will need to change name servers.

If you add your site to Cloudflare, Cloudflare will try to copy your DNS records from Hover. You need to make sure to add any that are missing.


Ok, but would I have to change the domain to cloudflare or just put the cloudflare dns on the hover page?

Put the two Cloudflare name servers on the Hover page. It’s been a while since I’ve used Hover, but there’s a place to put custom name servers. Not an NS record with the rest of your DNS records.

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