There was a problem with that action Request failed with status code 401
What is the issue you’re encountering
I tried adding my domain for my website on GoHighLevel and adding the DNS records manually on cloudflare, then when i clicked verify, this error came up. The DNS won’t get added to cloudflare automatically, which highevel normally does no problem.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
I tried adding the dns records manually because highlevel was unable to do it automatically. i then added them successfully but my website was still not hosted, so i deleted the dns records and the domain from highlevel in hopes that it would work if i simply re-added the domians. When I readded the dns records and then tried verifying them from highlevel, this error popped up, eventhough it worked the first time (the first time i added them manually)
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
I don’t know
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
I’m not quite sure what you mean by “reproduce the issue”, and I’m gonna assume I have to explain how I ended up in this situation.
So I was watching Max Perzon’s course on starting a marketing agency and when he came this the website part, he simply went to the domains section inside of Highlevel and added his domains, then he was redirected to his cloudflare account where his DNS records were added automatically. He then went back to highlevel and “authorized” the domains.
When I tried this, I was not redirected to a my cloudflare account, but instead this screen came up on cloudflare that said “404 error we cant find the page youre looking for.” I figured it was unable to add the records automatically so I added them manually and then verified the domains in highlevel, which actually worrked, BUT my website was still not hosted (at least for any of my devices or any of my friend’s devices, but the support guy at highlevel could actually open the website with the “www” version of the domain). I tried everything inside of highlevel and spoke to their support thrice. then i deleted the records on cloudflare i had added and deleted the domains from highlevel in hopes that when i add them back, it’ll work(highlevel support had advised me to do this btw). When i re-added everything and went to verify and add the domains to highlevel, this “401” error popped up and thats how i ended up here. the third highlevel support guy advised me to contact cloudflare support.
You can try to set your Cloudflare DNS records that point to GHL to “DNS only” instead of “Proxied”, but other than that I don’t think anyone will be able to help unless they can actually use the domain to check the DNS records.
Oh I didn’t know it was that important to share mb. The domain is
Also, the settings are indeed DNS only. I just tried added the domains with another account thats an admin in my GHL, and it still wasn’t able to redirect me to a working cloudflare page, so I’ve once again successfully added the domains manually. The website, however, is still not hosted like before.
I don’t understand what the problem is. Maybe remove the domain from the current cloudflare account and make a new one and try again? Maybe then it’ll be able to redirect me and automatically add the DNS records?
Does GHL still say it can’t validate? Can you show the “required values” from your screenshot (but from what I’ve seen from other GHL users, your DNS looks ok).
Hey so you can see my under-construction funnel lol?
Man that’s what all the guys at highlevel said and they were also able to open my funnel. However, here none of my devices, or my brother’s or my friend’s are able to load it.
Maybe that’s some other issue?
Also, idk where I’ll see the required values now tho cuz these domains have been added as i said earlier. This is all I see but when I look up the domain, it just takes me over to namecheap (that’s where i bought the domain)
Perhaps try another DNS resolver. It may be the resolver you are using still hasn’t expired the TTL for the nameservers yet. When did you change the nameservers to Cloudflare?
I wouldn’t mess with any settings at the moment if other people can see your site as it’s probably working ok and you’ll just create yourself more problems.
The first 2 lines flew right over my head sorry man can you elaborate? The nameservers in cloudflare I did change I think. I copy pasted 2 codes from namecheap to cloudflare.
I’m asking when did you change the nameservers to Cloudflare. It may be your local DNS resolver hasn’t seen the change yet if you are getting a Namecheap page.
Hey man so I’ve finally found the issue. It was my ISP blocking my website for some reason, cuz it opens fine on mobile data. The friend who was also unable to open it also has the same ISP lol. Thank you so much for your time man. I truly appreciate that.