Thank you. I have done those transfer steps (multiple times) and checked that I did them correctly. Shopify has unlocked my account, they gave me a transfer code, they recognize and acknowledge the Cloudflare nameservers. What specifically is keeping the domain ( from being “active” on Cloudflare? Is there anyone that can advise on this issue?
That change didn’t seem to work. You need to contact Shopify support so they can actually change the nameservers, because I still see: 3600 IN NS 3600 IN NS 3600 IN NS 3600 IN NS
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You can’t transfer the domain until Shopify actually updates the nameservers. Maybe try to restore Shopify nameservers and update again if you didn’t do so already.
The nameservers you just referrenced are nameservers that Shopify has told me that they do not have access to change. And therein lies my problem. I don’t know what to do.
If Shopify is your registrar, they are the only ones that can make this change. Their menu for changing nameservers simply doesn’t work if what you did had no effect.
Shopify told me that Tucows is the registrar but that they (Shopify) does not have access/permissions to change my ‘root’ nameservers at Tucows. Tucows does not have a login process that allows me to access my domain to change the nameservers and they refer me right back to Shopify to handle the issue. Does this make sense to you? What am I supposed to do if NOBODY can help me change those Tucows nameserver settings? I don’t know what to do or what to even ask for at this point. Any advice?
Your domain is unlocked for transfer, please share the code mentioned with Tucows and they will add in your Tucows account and then they will update the nameservers.
First you need to provide this transfer authorization code to your new domain provider.