Domain mask for subfolders and different sites

Hey @juan.colomer
Yes I have completely understand your set up.
However I am not feeling confident that will do the trick with the /subfolders in your case.

There is another scenario where you can use your settings.php (you’re using Drupal am I right?) and redirect from subdomain to subdirectory Path within your settings.php

// Redirect subdomain to a specific path.
// Check if Drupal or WordPress is running via command line
if (isset($_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT']) && ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == '') && (php_sapi_name() != "cli")) {
  $newurl = ''. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  header('HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently');
  header("Location: $newurl");

  // Name transaction "redirect" in New Relic for improved reporting (optional).
  if (extension_loaded('newrelic')) {


Here is a link with all the redirects you can use from Pantheon.