Domain link with Squarespace & SSL certificate

Hello everyone,

I am trying to connect my domain to Squarespace (WordPress-> Cloudflare-> Squarespace), and I keep on encountering this issue. Squarespace told me that 1) everything looks fine on their side regarding the domain and the problem is that Cloudflare does not work smoothly with Squarespace and 2) that I would also need an SSL certificate from Cloudflare since Squarespace cannot properly access all the settings.
How could I possibly fix these two issues?

Thanks so much!

I don’t understand how you’re trying to link WordPress to Squarespace.

This article shows how to use Cloudflare for your Squarespace site:

Sorry for not being exact, I got my domain from Siteground & Wordpress, and have later cancelled the subscription to Siteground, but was left with the domain.

Afterwards, I tried to transfer my domain to Squarespace. Because the domain is new and has less than 60 days, I had to use Cloudflare to connect it to Squarespace manually, but I still encounter some errors. Squarespace has checked it and told me that everything looks fine on their side and that Cloudflare should let me know on what else can I change so it works. Attached are the errors that I am still receiving…


That’s weird there are two CNAME entries for ‘www’, and one of them works. Just make sure none of your records are set to :orange: Proxied. They should all be :grey: DNS Only. And it looks like you may have an extra “A” record you don’t need.

Without knowing the actual domain name so we can check, that’s all I can suggest for now.

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Thanks so much, none of them are set to Proxied…My domain name is I found the A to be deleted but cannot understand the CNAME problem?

Now it appeared that everything works, weirdly!
Thanks so much!

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