Domain is still pending after domain transfer

Domain is still pending, I have deleted and re-added the domain to the account which has changed the allocated nameservers. But I cannot add them to my register again. This is from my hosting provider
My domain is

Hi Sivuyile,

Thank you for your email.

.com domain transfers take 5 days to complete.
This was successfully transferred to Cloudflare as per:

Registrar Info
NameCloudflare, Inc.
Referral URL
Important Dates
Expires On2025-11-06
Registered On2020-11-06
Updated On2024-05-10

*Kindly update the DNS on their end:)

As a result of this you will need to raise a Cloudflare Registrar support ticket here…
…and ask for the nameservers for your domain to be updated.


After I raise ticket, I get this response.

We have received your reply.

As a Cloudflare customer on our Free plan, you have access to our Help Center, Developer Docs, and Cloudflare Community. Users who post topics in the Community have a median first reply time of under one hour! Should you need quicker support for your service, we recommend exploring our paid plans for email support or 24/7 live chat.

This is an automated response which we hope has provided you the information you need.

It marked as solved, but the issue is still there

Make sure you select the Cloudflare Registrar option for the ticket. Free users can raise registrar, billing and account tickets.

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I did select that option

I don’t know what to do now, It’s been 2 days now, since I opened the ticket.

Can you share the ticket number?

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This is the ticket number #3259758.

The ticket is still open, no response, #3259758. My site is down and there is nothing I can do. Do I need to open another ticket?

Please don’t. That will delay both of your tickets.

I’ve just escalated that one.

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Good day,

I’m sorry , how long does this take to be resolved? I am now under pressure, I also apologies for putting pressure on this community.

Hi there, currently your ticket is being attended.


Thank you, I got feedback.

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Thank you everyone the issue is resolved


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