Domain incorrectly removed for phishing

Without receiving any notification via E-Mail or other means, all my domains have been removed from Cloudflare and my account has been suspended.

After contacting support I’ve been notified that my account apparently “included multiple phishing domains” and was removed. This is incorrect or at least happened without my knowledge
I’m unable to get any more information from Cloudflare support regarding this.

It’s obviously not my decision what phishing content is and what is not so is there anything else I can do to get my account back or at least get my domains un-blacklisted so I can re-add them to a different account?

We’re just customers here, so there’s nothing we can do on your behalf to reinstate your domains. I highly doubt they’ll let you add those domains to a different account here.

You can give this site a try to see if and why your domain is listed:

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Thanks, I’ve gone ahead and checked all of my domains using that tool but they all came up as “Not Listed”. I’ve also scanned my servers for malware infections or other stuff that may be classified as malware or phishing.

Has anyone ever dealt with a similar situation? Cloudflare support seems to be ignoring me and I’m not sure what to do next.

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