Good day all, i recently just joined this community and I am super excited to be a part.
I have been trying to redirect my domain to point to my medium account, after inputing the IP address for the A value, it gave me the error, DNS Validation Error (Code: 1004): Content for A record is invalid. Must be a valid IPv4 address (Code: 9005), I tried inputing the IP for which is but I got the same error message. I’ll be glad if someone can assist me in diagnosing the problem and profering a possible solution. Thanks in anticipation of a favourable response.
Blockquote[quote=“Judge, post:2, topic:63435”]
You will need a record in the DNS tab of your Cloudflare dashboard for the host you are trying to redirect from, set to
For example:
If I wanted to redirect all users from with a page rule then I would need to add a DNS record for and set it to . I would recommend creating an A record for the host, pointing to
But wouldn’t setting a record require me to create A and CNAME values?
See that post I linked to. You do need some sort of DNS record, but it can be pointed most anywhere. It just can’t be pointed to prohibited IPs like IPs Cloudflare themselves own. Try setting it to