I have a site www.XXXXX.com that points to an IP v4 root directory 167.XXX.XXX.XXX
However, I have a billing system that I wish to move over to another server for security purposes which will leave it sitting at on a different IP address in a folder called “portal” example : 168.XXX.XXX.XXX/portal/
I need that when users are on the main site that is on the 167.XXX.XXX.XXX address, when they click a link to the portal they are taken to the other server 168.XXX.XXX.XXX/portal/
I need both IP’s hidden behind Cloudflare. What is the best way to accomplish this?
Please let me know
I’m currently recovering from a devastating hack from earlier this week so any advice is greatly appreciated
if the hostname needs to be www in both instances you would either need to use workers to do the host redirection or a resolve override page rule. The latter is only available on Cloudflare’s enterprise plan.
If you can put /portal on a different hostname then you could use a page rule to do a redirect.