Hi, i have a Pi with DNS over HTTPS and since Days i got Random Timeout periods 5-30min on your DNS. Other DNS works fine (Tested Google and Quad9). Here the Error i get:
root@DietPi:~# sudo systemctl status Cloudflared
● Cloudflared.service - Cloudflared DNS over HTTPS proxy
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/Cloudflared.service; enabled; vendor pres
et: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-03-13 14:36:39 CET; 16h ag
Main PID: 283 (Cloudflared)
CGroup: /system.slice/Cloudflared.service
└─283 /usr/local/bin/Cloudflared proxy-dns --port 5053 --upstream htt
p * s:// --upstream http * s://
Mär 14 06:19:28 DietPi Cloudflared[283]: time=“2019-03-14T06:19:28+01:00” level=
error msg="failed to connect to an HTTPS backend [“http * s://"](\)”
error="failed to perform an HTTPS request: Post http * s:// net/h
ttp: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded whil
e awaiting headers)"
Would love to know why i get such Timeouts and hope you can help me.
Best Regards,
*** = Only 2 Links for new Users. Just image all links without the star behind HTTP**