DNS records have not updated/propagated even after 72 hours of changing it

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

I added DNS records to connect to my Bluehost hosting account 3 days ago, but the records have not updated yet. I added A and CNAME records following documentation on this community post: Pointing domain with cloudflare to bluehost - #2 by huyhoa

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I talked to Bluehost’s customer service and they said the issue was not on their end.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I checked the DNS record on DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool, and it does not point to my Bluehost hosting IP address yet.

Right now, you have working records for getscholarly.ai and www.getscholarly.ai. But your origin server is returning an Error 403.

Is the problem that these records are pointing to the wrong IP address? If so, can you post a screenshot of your DNS settings?

(Also, don’t wait 3 days before asking for help. “DNS propagation” isn’t a real thing and it won’t take 3 days to work if it’s set up right.)

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Thanks for your response! I’ve attached a screenshot of my Cloudflare portal, please let me know if you find an error. I also double-checked that it was the same IP address from my Bluehost hosting account (also attached).

So far as I can tell from using DNSchecker, the DNS records are still pointing to Cloudflare’s servers rather than Bluehost’s server address. Please correct me if I’m wrong about this, and I appreciate your help!

Your DNS as seen from the outside world will always resolve to Cloudflare IP addresses; this is normal and is how Cloudflare works. What’s important is the address it really points to, which in your case looks correct.

The 403 error your site is returning is coming from your origin server. Since this is in fact the correct server, something at that end is not configured properly. It could be that the server is not configured to answer to the getscholarly.ai domain. It could be something as simple as not having an index.html file in the root of the server directory.

What we do know is that the problem isn’t your DNS and isn’t at Cloudflare.