DNS Proxying causes service not to work

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

No exact error message. API calls to our service proxied by cloudflare starting failing after years of being proxied. Removing the proxy and exposing our IP directly resolves the issue. Looking for possible solutions to allow me to proxy again.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

Could you elaborate on how calls are failing?

They’re just timing out. Not 100% sure if they’re even hitting out firewall

If we remove the proxy function they work immediately.

If we test internally, everything works as expected, but API calls coming externally, through cloudflare time out

Have you tried this with different ISPs/from different locations?

Are there any corresponding events in the WAF logs? Try setting the IP of the server making the requests to allow to bypass the firewall if there are or edit the rule(s) blocking to exclude the IP.

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Yes we have, occurs everywhere

Goes through a couple of firewalls to its ultimate destination, but no issues showing up in logs

When you say the requests time out, do you mean that Cloudflare returns a 522 response or that you never receive any response at all?

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