Despite setting A records according to Webflow’s instructions, looks like cloudflare nameservers still have the wrong IP’s? Error: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
Could it be related to a stuck DNSSEC setting?
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
May I ask if you’ve used the one from below link or some other?:
All looks good, DNSSEC not enabled and not in use, DNS records set correctly and unproxied (DNS-only), domain using Cloudflare nameservers.
Except, when following the redirects, → goes to the, where from A www or CNAMEwww is apperently missing as a DNS record under the DNS tab of Cloudflare dashbooard for your zone.
Helpful article how to manage DNS records at Cloudflare dashboard:
Or your domain is connected as a non-www version to Webflow, as it should be, while www could be added later? Nevertheless, first things first, add the missing www DNS record as non-www version redirects to the missing www.