DNS pointing to old server when proxied

Hello, I have a problem that I’ve never encountered on Cloudflare before.

So I’ve started an online shop, previously I was pointing my domain to Shopify servers, after trying Shopify and realizing that it didn’t quite fit my needs, I hosted Prestashop on my own server. Obviously, I changed my DNS records to point to my new server, but to my surprise, and even tho my control panel states that it is pointing to my new server, my domain still goes to Shopify when you access it.

It has been more than 12 hours since this, and my current DNS server is Cloudflare (, When i disable Cloudflare’s proxy, the domain does point to my server, but once I activate it again, it redirects back to Shopify.

I have already tried removing the domain from Cloudflare and adding it again. Also, the domain and even the store have been removed from Shopify.

Thanks in advance.

It sounds like your domain is still configured in Shopify’s Cloudflare for SaaS account. There currently is no method of fixing that yourself. Once the name is removed from Shopify’s Cloudflare for SaaS account, it should work as expected

This Tutorial covers how to get your domain working with the :orange: proxy enabled in the situation you described.

Thanks a lot for your quick reply, I’ll give it a try and let you know.

Hey, after checking that post, It seems like that’s only for people outside the free plan, which is not my case. I’ve been told that someone on the community can open a support ticket for me.

Could you please open the ticket for me?

Email [email protected] explaining your issue from the same email as your Cloudflare account, saying that you need the Shopify SSL for SaaS churned hostname to be removed, and post the auto-reply ticket number here.

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I have emailed them, and this is the ticket they gave me: [#2497006]

But since I’m on the free plan, it has been closed automatically.

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Anyone that can submit the ticket or elevate the closed one for me?

Hello, I connected a domain to Shopify a while ago, but now I don’t want to use their service anymore. The problem is, although I removed the domain from their service, when Cloudflare proxy is enabled it still points to Shopify servers. I have already contacted them but to no avail. I have also posted my issue here on the community but got no replies.

I am on the free plan and cannot contact Cloudflare directly (not even by email). Would someone please be so kind to open a support ticket for me to get my issue resolved?


I’ve escalated this ticket to support.

Thank you, I really appreciate it.

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