DNS not proagating

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error message?

Can’t find it on the web (or tracert to it)

What is the issue you’re encountering

Can’t find it on the web (or tracert to it)

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Checked set up to the best of my skills - it is a new domain paid for with Cloudflare about 22 hours ago

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

I don’t know

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Put http://geoffha.co.uk in your browser. or try to tracert to it. Seems to be not found

Running dig geoffha.co.uk @ or dig www.geoffha.co.uk @, I do not see any DNS A or AAA records.

Can you share a screenshot of your DNS configuration (with any sensitive information obfuscated), and how you’re attempting to host this website? Are you using a website host?

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Thanks for the quick respomnse, appreciated.

I’m a little out of my depth (but not computer illiterate). I’ve not set up any DNS records, I assumed this would be done automatically. At the moment I have no host set up. I’m trying to make a Cloudflared link to my Home Assistant but assumed the domain would be contactable in order for me to do this. The documentation I am following assumes a basic level of knowledge of Cloudflare, which I don’t yet have!! I will find the DNS records and come back.

Thaks for the pointer, this is now resolved. I have added a CNAME DNS record pointing to my Cloudflared instance on my Home Assistant and all is well.

Thanks again for the promptness of your response.

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