DNS Logs Not Appearing

What is the name of the domain?

Any domain

What is the error number?

No Error

What is the error message?

No Error Message

What is the issue you’re encountering

RHEL Servers executing DNS queries to Zero Trust DNS Gateway Endpoints do not result in DNS Query logs being available.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have posted here because I do not know why the logs would not appear.

Servers have DNS1 and DNS2 set to DNS Endpoints, and DNS queries work and nslookup
confirms the DNS server is being hit, but when I ping google or anything with a DNS no logs show up.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Create a Zero Trust DNS Gateway Endpoint
  2. Configure RHEL servers /etc/syconfig/network-scripts/ens-ifcfg file to use DNS1 and DNS2 with the Endpopint IPS
  3. Execute DNS queries like wgets or nslookups
  4. Expect to see logs in the Cloudflare DNS Logs area, but see nothing

Do I need WARP installed on my Linux box for this to properly register in logs on Cloudflare side?

If you’re not using Warp you need to be making the queries from the IP(s) associated with the location.


The Linux devices are not utilizing WARP, but they ARE utilizing the DNS Location endpoint IPs for their DNS

I can confirm with nslookup that the DNS requests are going to the DNS Location endpoint IP, and a response is coming back.

But there are no DNS logs appearing.

Also I attempted to implement a blocking policy and send a request to the malware.testcategory.com domain per Cloudflare testing instructions, but the content was not blocked.

So not sure how to confirm more that I am hitting the DNS properly, or why it is not functioning.

Are you sure the requests are coming from the IP address you believe they are? e.g. are they coming from an IPv6 address instead?

I dont think the IP request location should matter should it?

I have Linux devices within my network doing DNS Resolution via the DNS IPv4 Endpoints from the DNS Location.

When a Linux device uses Firefox or whatever to reach out to google.com I should see a Log of that Resolution Request from the Device in the logs right?

Thank you for your help as well, its appreciated.

This is still a problem. Does anyone else have logs actually appearing in their account?

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