Error 1001 Ray ID: 90c394109e41e245 2025-02-03 15:50:44 UTC DNS resolution error
What is the issue you’re encountering
We cannot launch a new Shopify store successfully because of this error.
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
loudflare Removal.
Initially set Cloudflare to “gray” (inactive mode).
Fully removed the domain from Cloudflare.
Verified with Enom that only lingering traces remained, which should clear with propagation.
Domain Registrar Verification (Enom):
Confirmed DNS settings are correct.
Verified that Cloudflare was successfully removed.
No further actions required on their side. Shopify Investigation & Reset: Shopify confirmed that the DNS settings are correct.
Identified an SSL provisioning delay on their end.
Reset domain settings within Shopify to help clear potential issues.
Advised that changes could take up to 24 more hours to fully process.
Direct Contact with Cloudflare:
Attempted to call Cloudflare support—no live technical support available unless on an Enterprise plan.
Sent an email request to Cloudflare for verification of any possible restrictions (no response yet).
Engaged Cloudflare’s community resources to escalate the issue.
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
DNS not responding/updating
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
Attempt to Access the Website:
Navigate to zerofriction dot com in a web browser.
The site does not load, displaying a DNS resolution error.
Check DNS Resolution:
Run a DNS lookup (e.g., nslookup zerofriction dot com or dig zerofriction dot com).
Observe that the domain does not resolve correctly.
Verify Domain Settings in Shopify:
Go to Shopify Admin → Settings → Domains and check domain status. Shopify reports the domain is connected but SSL is still provisioning.
Confirm DNS Settings at the Registrar (Enom):
DNS records are correctly set to Shopify’s required values.
No incorrect or conflicting records found.
Check for Cloudflare Influence:
The domain was fully removed from Cloudflare, but residual traces were previously detected.
The issue persists after Cloudflare removal, raising concerns about lingering effects.
Wait for Propagation:
The site has been down for 4+ days, well beyond the usual propagation window (24-48 hours).
The delay suggests an issue beyond standard DNS propagation.
Check SSL Status in Browser Developer Tools:
Open the site in Google Chrome → Right-click → Inspect → Security tab.
SSL certificate still shows as “Pending” or missing.
Test Site Using Different Networks & Devices:
Tried accessing the site from multiple networks and ISPs (still unreachable).
No differences in access results.
Tried launching my shopify store since Friday but still having issues. It appears to be cloudflare. We’ve removed our cloudflare account, connection and everything but the error will not got away
Ray ID: 90c5238f0bba27c5 • 2025-02-03 20:23:27 UTC
We have had not success for 4 days not getting anywhere and no one to speak to at cloudflare to help with the situation. Site down for 4 days
The same original error message is back. It moved to the shopify one in the middle of the night but now the original error is showing again saying cloudlfare issue. We have deleted and removed cloudflare entirely but they appear to somehow still be blocking us and we have absolutely no way to contact them. We have been trying to resolve this for 5 days.
Was just following up on this, and it seems you’ve switched your site from Shopify to Magento (self-hosted) now, and the site is working once again, albeit very slowly from my end of the world.
Note that since your domain was no longer using the Cloudflare nameservers, any Cloudflare error you were seeing could not have come from your domain’s previous connection to Cloudflare.
There was definitely something wrong with your Shopify setup: Shopify themselves use Cloudflare in their tech stack, hence the Cloudflare error page even though you had disconnect your domain from Cloudflare.
we are being blocked by cloudflare from moving to a new shopify store been over a week of trying
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
My company Zero Friction have been a client of cloudlflare for some time, we had a pro account. We recently tried (one week ago) to launch a new shopify website. In doing so, it became clear to us that cloudflare was blocking this process. We then tried to delete our cloudflare account (because we thought this would resolve it) but this did not help. We can’t get any support anywhere. We can’t updgrade our account back to the pro plan because cloudflare won’t let me. It gives me an error message “the zone can not be updgraded at this time”. What does this mean? We are stuck. We’ve been stuck for 7 days and cloudflare is the issue, it is the problem and we can’t get a reply, a person, any support at all which is very frustrating. Our entire launch of our site is being held captive by cloudflare. We need some sort of assistance. We’ve opened tickets, nobody replies or can help, knows what they are talking about. We need to be released from cloudflare and be sure that it will no longer interfere with the migration to shopify. This is getting ridiculous at this point. My entire web team is stuck, I need support.
This alone should have been sufficient proof to you that the root of your problem is not what you think it is… that your assumption that Cloudflare is “blocking” you is totally wrong.
Yet, you decided to double down on that erroneous path.
Anyone with a basic understanding of DNS technology would know this whole thing – the idea that Cloudflare is somehow holding your domain hostage when Cloudflare is neither the registrar nor the authoritative DNS provider – is quite ridiculous.
As I mentioned above, Shopify is a Cloudflare customer. All Shopify customers use Cloudflare indirectly. The Error 1001 page you saw, even though it mentioned Cloudflare, had nothing to do with your own Cloudflare account. It’s from Shopify’s Cloudflare integration.
If you look at your own screenshot above closely, the second “Less Likely” reason for this error is that something is wrong with the site’s configuration at the Cloudflare partner organization’s end (in this case Shopify). This is where your problem is.
I can sense from your posts how this must be frustrating to you. I can empathize with that. But continuing to knock on the wrong door isn’t what’s going fix your problem.
We actually went back to my original site/ store which is on the magento platform because the site was down (no site) for 5 days. That is what you are seeing. We did attempt the migration to shopify again but it did not work, so my web staff put the magento store up again. It still is not working.
If you opened a ticket previously about this, please share your ticket number here so we can have it escalated for you.
If you’ve not opened a support ticket yet, that should be your first step to ensure your case can be handled by the right team. Sending direct emails or calling enterprise sales numbers won’t get you far. Since you’re not on a paid plan now, just open an Account ticket and share the ticket number here.
I’ve escalated this for the Cloudflare Customer Support Team to take a look. They should get back to you on one of your tickets, but I can’t say when. Please do keep us updated on any new developments here.