I added a site to Cloudfare yesterday and updated the DNS records on GoDaddy. Unfortunately the site is still down one day later. When I view my Cloudfare DNS info, there’s a red exclamation point with the statement
“An A, AAAA, CNAME, or MX record is pointed to your origin server exposing your origin IP address.”
Yes. I found other threads where you told people to look it up… Didn’t exactly help. And some stuff about not routing mail through Cloudfare. I’ve moved a couple of other sites without issue. I did nothing different this time.
That issue does not appear to be the issue. I do not have the mail going to the orange cloud. There are 4 items routed through Cloudfare, and they are the exact same as on my other working sites.
I turned off the CNAME www from the orange cloud, and the site is back up. My other sites do have that CNAME going to Cloudfare. So I don’t understand this. I apologize for boring you with an old question, but I am new. I’m a photographer and not a web guru, unfortunately.
So the issue with the alert that you are getting is because you have records that are both grey cloud and orange cloud going to the same destination. All this means is that someone is able to have a direct connection to your server rather than going through Cloudflare.