DNS Error connecting to host

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?

No error number

What is the error message?

Failed to resolve DNS path for this host

What is the issue you’re encountering

DNS error when connecting to host.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I’ve no issues with my site until I added Cloudflare. My site has been fine for months. I woke up this morninng to it being down with this error.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I have no idea what happened. Contacted my domain host and site host and they both say this is a cloudflare issue.

Google tells me that comes from Ghost.

Without the domain it’s almost impossible to know why, but you can try to set the Cloudflare DNS records to “DNS only” to see if they need to see their IP address or CNAME returned for DNS queries instead of the Cloudflare ones that are returned by the proxy.

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Yes, it’s hosted by ghost. How do I do that?

Follow the “Edit” steps here…

At step 4, press the “Proxy status” button to change it from orange to grey.


YES! This worked! Thank you so much!

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Note that this means traffic is now not passing through Cloudflare, so no Cloudflare features can be applied to the traffic. Unfortuantely, this is the configuration you need to use…

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So Cloudflare doesn’t work with Ghost?

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