I have migrated my DNS to Cloudflare and even though I got the notification that it has been succesfull my A record which points to my public IP and CNAME which points to my Cloudflare Tunnel don’t work. Any idea why? It has been a few hours
What is the domain?
Is Cloudflare saying the site is “pending” or “active”?
For some reason the delegation from Cloudns doesn’t seem to be working correctly.
dig +trace +nodnssec onlydevops.cloudns.biz
; <<>> DiG 9.18.18-0ubuntu0.22.04.2-Ubuntu <<>> +trace +nodnssec onlydevops.cloudns.biz
;; global options: +cmd
. 723 IN NS c.root-servers.net.
. 723 IN NS i.root-servers.net.
;; Received 239 bytes from in 3 ms
biz. 172800 IN NS a.gtld.biz.
biz. 172800 IN NS y.gtld.biz.
;; Received 480 bytes from 2001:500:2d::d#53(d.root-servers.net) in 3 ms
cloudns.biz. 7200 IN NS ns3.cloudns.net.
cloudns.biz. 7200 IN NS ns4.cloudns.net.
cloudns.biz. 7200 IN NS ns1.cloudns.net.
cloudns.biz. 7200 IN NS ns2.cloudns.net.
;; Received 162 bytes from in 3 ms
onlydevops.cloudns.biz. 3600 IN SOA ns1.cloudns.net. support.cloudns.net. 2024051507 7200 1800 1209600 3600
;; Received 138 bytes from in 87 ms
I was going to set up a Cloudns zone to check myself, but the cloudns.ch
and cloudns.be
offered still haven’t made it from the PSL to Cloudflare. I do know another user account on Cloudns delegated to Cloudflare and that works ok when I checked just now.
dig +short onlydevops.cloudns.biz ns
dig +short onlydevops.cloudns.biz @ernest.ns.cloudflare.com
dig +short onlydevops.cloudns.biz
Thanks for your help on this. It says Active so I assume the delegation should work correctly
Okay, I think it won’t work. What I’ve just found:
Free zone:
DNS zone with free domain name. Records can be managed only from our interface.
I bought the Domain directly from Cloudflare. Setup the tunnels but still my SSH doesn’t work. It’s timing out. The domain is onlydevops.cc and subdomain master.onlydevops.cc which is my VM. master.onlydevops.cc CNAME points to argotunnel. config:
tunnel: 29f5e60d-07ea-46a9-ac54-e6804da164a7
credentials-file: /home/bambo/.cloudflared/29f5e60d-07ea-46a9-ac54-e6804da164a7.json
- hostname: master.onlydevops.cc
service: ssh://localhost:22 - service: http_status:404 # Catch-all rule
nmap -p 22 master.onlydevops.cc
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-05-16 10:18 CEST
Nmap scan report for master.onlydevops.cc (
Host is up (0.028s latency).
22/tcp filtered ssh
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.41 seconds
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