What is the name of the domain?
What is the issue you’re encountering
Cloudflare does not want to propagate my DNS even after 3 days activated in it
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
DNS not responding/updating
Cloudflare does not want to propagate my DNS even after 3 days activated in it
DNS not responding/updating
This domain has been bouncing around between various name servers over the past couple of months. Even DNSSEC seems a little confused.
What all have you been doing with this domain’s DNS lately?
Previously the registrar was google/squarespace (which we do not have access to it, it was being held by an individual that we got lost contact to) with cloudflare as DNS provider, then it was marked as pending nameservers so we process a domain transfer on 6th August to be able to update the ns (we did have the EPP code for transfer and domain was open to transfer during this process).
Since then, on 13th August it have been marked as active again in cloudflare but it seems openDNS, google, quad9, and even cloudflare itself still havent propagate it.
Do we need to wait another days for this propagation?
DNSSEC still looks messed up. Please make sure that you have DNSSEC disabled in the dashboard.
And also double-check that John and Norah are the two assigned name servers at the bottom of your DNS Records page.
You need to disable DNSSEC at your registrar. It is still activated there.
The whois entry claims that DNSSEC is disabled at your registrar, but the DS record is still served in the parent zone, so DNSSEC is actually enabled there.
The problem is I dont have access to the original registrar. In the current registrar this domain is in theres no option to set DNSSEC.
That is something you need to discuss with your current registrar’s support.
my current registrar is idcloudhost, the original registrar was squarespace (this is prob where the DNSSEC still active).
But I dont have access to squarespace. If I wait it out, can the DNSSEC expired or something?
They can’t help you. Only your current registrar can make changes to your DNSSEC settings.
I had my current registrar (idcloudhost) disabled the DNSSEC just recently today, is there anything else I could do at this point?
DNSSEC is not yet disabled.
You can check here:
The line Found 1 DS records for lescanet.com in the com zone
means that it is enabled. If it was disabled, the line would also show a red X.
Hmmm Ive raised this to my current registrar, but is it possible that the DS record still remain in the original registrar (squarespace) ?
The DS records are not with any registrar. They are in the parent zone of your domain, which is com.
Your current registrar is who can submit updates to that zone on your behalf. Your previous registrar cannot do anything relating to your domain.
Does requesting DNSSEC disabled removed the DS record as well?
or should I make a separate request to my current registrar?
This is the same thing. Disabling DNSSEC means to remove the DS record.
Ah ok, my current registrar asked me to wait 1x24 hours for it to take effect.
Update on Sunday 18th August, DS record for lescanet.com have been removed.
Ive got googledns, cloudflare, opendns, and quad9 have been correctly pointing to the right IP.
Thanks for the support guys, really appreciate it, cheers!