Dns configuration does not apply at all

What is the name of the domain?

xxxxxxxx (deleted after solution)

What is the issue you’re encountering

it has been 20 hours, nameservers (from cloudflare registrar to ns1.digitalocean.com) still haven’t updated at all. I added txt record 3 hours ago but it didn’t work either.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I also added TXT record, it doesn’t show up either.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS not responding/updating

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Add name servers of ns1.digitalocean.com ns2.digitalocean.com ns3.digitalocean.com in dns settings.

and / or Add a txt record. Neither works.

You can’t change nameservers on Cloudflare registrar domains.

Can you show a screenshot of the txt record?


Ohh. thank you. I don’t understand why there is an NS option if we can’t change it.

Here’s txt record screenshot:

You can create NS records for subdomains.

dig +short trying.sisigestate.com txt

Works for me.


thank you. turns out I was querying root domain instead of the one txt belongs to.

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