DNS configuration - cloudflare domain

What is the name of the domain?


What is the issue you’re encountering

“I’m struggling to configure the DNS (A record) for my new Cloudflare domain. The domain is not accessible online.”

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Whois=OK, Email (MX) = OK, Used the dashbord for adjustment. Tried Endless endless combinations with name variations, IP ranges, proxy on/off without success. Maybe I do not understand the concept provided. Any idea?

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

It’s easiest if you can give your actual domain name so people can take a look.



Can you explain further what issue are you facing ? Provide us screenshot to assist

Kindly review this document that might be helpful :

Thank you

Thank you for your answer. The problem is solved (for now). I have deleted the complete thing and will give it a new try. Errors were: manual procedures for moving my domain; wrong values for the nameservers (provider and cloudflare) and a misunderstanding of a cloudflare hosting function for a new purchased (cloudflare) domain that is not available. Mixed up with the pages concept. It is not easy to find out these thing within the mountains of documents you provide.

Kind regards

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