“I’m struggling to configure the DNS (A record) for my new Cloudflare domain. The domain is not accessible online.”
What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?
Whois=OK, Email (MX) = OK, Used the dashbord for adjustment. Tried Endless endless combinations with name variations, IP ranges, proxy on/off without success. Maybe I do not understand the concept provided. Any idea?
What feature, service or problem is this related to?
Thank you for your answer. The problem is solved (for now). I have deleted the complete thing and will give it a new try. Errors were: manual procedures for moving my domain; wrong values for the nameservers (provider and cloudflare) and a misunderstanding of a cloudflare hosting function for a new purchased (cloudflare) domain that is not available. Mixed up with the pages concept. It is not easy to find out these thing within the mountains of documents you provide.