DNS A records not being propagated

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

I am updating the DNS A records and AAAA records within my cloudflare account but it looks like they are not being propagated as the hosting is suspending my old cPanel account and the website goes down

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

DNS records

Can you explain what exactly the issue is? Is this not your page?

Your domain is proxied, so DNS lookups will always show Cloudflare IP addresses.

That is the page but as soon as my hosting suspends the old cPanel hosting, the website goes down and says account suspended.

They moved my cPanel to a different hosting package and I had to update the IP address of the A records within cloudflare and also update two AAAA records within cloudflare. I updated them yesterday morning around 10am

Is it worth turning off the proxy for some A records?

If you have removed/replaced all of the old DNS records, there shouldn’t be anything linking you domain to the old page.

You can try changing the records to DNS-Only in case your hosting provider needs to confirm they are correct before they activate the new hosting package.

Yeah they have suggested changing to DNS only so they can see what they are

I’ll post a update shortly