DKIM records not verified

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

I switched over to Cloudflare from Namecheap a few weeks ago, in that transition the DKIM records for our email service ( cannot be found. I’ve readded them and it’s still not verifying. Is there a different way I should add them?

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I’ve tried changing them to CNAME records and back to TXT records and it’s still not verified.

What feature, service or problem is this related to?

Mail records

Screenshot of the error

They should be CNAMEs in your Cloudflare DNS.

Are these records for a subdomain? There’s .ma (I guess mail) after _domainkey in your screenshot.

Can you show a screenshot of your Cloudflare DNS, and paste the records you are trying to set as text to save people having to type them in by hand.

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Here’s the DKIM Records I’m adding:




Just changed them to CNAMES, waiting to see if that works with a small tweak from before.

I don’t have mail subdomain setup. But that is where it’s sending.

Here’s the records from Loops - MX records and SPF and DMARC are fine.

Testing manually and automatically it does seem they don’t resolve…

Can you try deleting them and adding again?

I think that finally worked. Thank you!


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