Deploying to cloudflare

hi cloudflare i’m not sure what is going on here
but i’m ‘MOST DEFIENTLY’ not getting the help needed,

now what is going on?

i’m deploying my website to github successfully
but then get an error for cloudflare

attached is the error

the last commit was 0c6a103

back in 2023 github and cloudlfare were both successfully deploying
but now github successfully deploys and cloudflare don’t?

now could someone please tell me me why

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Hi there,

Have you changed something in the repo, like the name?
Note that Cloudflare pages does not support these types of changes and if you decide to change your repo, the only option is to create a new page project with the new link.

What is the content when you press detail on the right side of the fail?

Take care.

its telling me this

when i’v deleted the whole player folder from local and github with githubdesktop

the player folder isn’t there anymore why is it still telling me about the player

Hi there,

Deleted your image since it was showing an API key.

the player folder isn’t there anymore why is it still telling me about the player

I’m not sure, but it seems you are being able to deploy it intermittently, last time was 3 days ago. Make sure you don’t have another system placing the large file there.

Take care.

i don’t have anymore systems placing large files?