Deliver Private Backblaze B2 Content Through Cloudflare CDN

What is the name of the domain?

What is the issue you’re encountering

When I enter the url in the browser to traverse the contents of the private backblaze bucket, rather than display the file the browser runs the “Hello World!” boilerplate JS

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Followed the instructions on Deliver Private Backblaze B2 Content Through Cloudflare CDN

So for BUCKET_NAME I set it to the actual ils-markably-main. I also made a custom domain for my Worker,

When I try in a browser, instead of traversing the files in the bucket, it will merely run the boilerplate JS code and render

Hello World!

in the browser. So the worker isn’t mapping the client request to the private backblaze b2 bucket.

I have set these vars:

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

See above

Hi there - I replied to you on your Reddit post. Did you get it working?

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