Dashboard (and Support center) throw 403 errors - I cannot deploy

What is the name of the domain?


What is the error number?


What is the error message?

Sorry, you have been blocked

What is the issue you’re encountering

Broken Pages deployment (and some other functionality), Dashboard throws 403 errors. Cannot access support tickets either.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

The issue manifests on Linux - Chrome (129), Firefox (130), on different residential IPs (no VPN), with cleared cookies, no extensions, and no browser security restrictions.
The issue does NOT occur on my girlfriend’s Mac uploading same assets via same Chrome from the same IP. Perhaps its the “Linux” user-agent requests getting blocked?

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

I am unable to create a new deployment to Pages by manually uploading assets via Cloudflare Dashboard.

After I select my asset folder and the files are uploaded, I click “Save and deploy”. Then an “API Request Failed: POST [Deployment endpoint] (403)” error appears and the page is stuck in a loading state. Checking the request itself, it returns a “Sorry, you have been blocked” response.

I upgraded my account to “Pro” only to get this resolved (ticket 01218552 - has debug files) but haven’t heard back (via e-mail) for 2 weeks. I cannot check status of the ticket because I’m unable to access the Support center (same 403 error - ticketed that under 01222795).

Can someone please help me escalate this to Cloudflare? I can’t seem to get through.

You can respond to the Suport team via the emails. Sorry for the issue on not seeing the support center, I know the team is aware and working on that. I have flagged your ticket for the Support team

Thanks for flagging the ticket @cloonan! Hopefully the team helps me fix this soon.

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my colleagues in Support have you indicated this was resolved on your ticket. Please post another topic here if that is not the case.

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