Customer Support unresponsive

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What is the issue you’re encountering

No response from customer support when opening new tickets

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I have opened two tickets in the last 30 days or so and have not received a single response from either. Is there another method of contact support when your only on a pro plan?

Hi @jamesl1,

Could you share your case ID here?

Sure. There are 2 of them. But it’s basically the same case, I was just hoping maybe opening a new one would help.



I also misspoke, I only have a pro plan for our websites. We are only currently on the free plan for the Warp client. I thought we had already migrated to the pro plan for warp too.

Fun update on ticket 01029071. I received a response yesterday, thanking me for my patience and pointing me back at the community for support. Today I received another email that if I didn’t respond to the “update” my ticket will be auto closed. Makes sense…

Got anything? Seems the case is trying to get auto-closed with out any responses at all.

Hi @jamesl1

I just replied to you on 01029071.

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