Customer IP Address not passing to Miva/Maxmind through Cloudflare


We use the Miva Shopping Cart solution. We use Maxmind to monitor for fraud. When Cloudflare is on, Maxmind is not being sent the customer IP address. When I turn Cloudflare off, Maxmind can recognize the customer IP address. How do I configure Cloudflare to pass the correct customer IP address through to Miva? Right now, all Maxmind is recognizing is the Miva’s server IP address when Cloudflare is on.

Thanks, Doug

These should help you out

I use the code located in this post for php to get the client ip

Also, the official support section for restoring the original visitor IPs.

You might also be able to manually use the X-Forwarded-For or Cf-Connecting-Ip geaders

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