Hi, is there a way to add a custom thumbnail for a video instead of frame 1, by adding code?
Or can you select a different frame than frame 1?
Also, Will this be html5 compliant?
Hi, is there a way to add a custom thumbnail for a video instead of frame 1, by adding code?
Or can you select a different frame than frame 1?
Also, Will this be html5 compliant?
Here’s the documentation on selecting a thumbnail:
I manually add a thumbnail (title screen, actually) in my html with this syntax:
<stream src="1234567890" controls poster="/images/title.jpg"></stream>
The source has changed, instead of embed code using script tag, its now using iframe, so how do I go about using a still image thumbnail? I tried using the poster tag but doesnt work, I’ve placed it before and after style tage and not working:
The previous embed still works with script tag
Hey! Been working on a docs update and should get out today/tomorrow. Here’s how to do it:
Like this:
style="border: none;"
allow="accelerometer; gyroscope; autoplay; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture;"
Great that worked thanks a bunch!!!
I am using responsive embed so had to figure it out, but its all good now, Thank you.
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