Custom TCP port doesn't work via tunnel

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error message?

Port is not availble

What is the issue you’re encountering

I published port 7100 but it doesn’t available from internet

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

tunnel: <tunnel_id_hidden>
credentials-file: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.cloudflared<id_hidden>.json
noTLSVerify: true

  • hostname:
    service: tcp://localhost:7100
  • service: tcp://localhost:7510

Have you also set up the tunnel on the client that you are trying to connect from?

Of course. In the Cloudflare dashboard the host is green.

I’m not talking about the server, but about the client. The tunnel needs to be installed on both devices to use TCP.

Laudian, could you clarify what you mean about both devices?
According to the documentation Create a locally-managed tunnel (CLI) | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs I have to download, install and configure Cloudflared as a Windows Service. I installed it on the host where I want to publish the port to the internet. My host appeared on the Cloudflare dashboard (see the picture in my previous comment). When I publish HTTP or HTTPS ports in the same way, I don’t have any issues. The trouble comes when I try to publish a custom TCP port or RDP port.

You have one device one which the service runs (the host), and one device (or more) from which you try to connect to the service (the clients). Both need to have the tunnel installed, as explained in the documentation:

Thank you for the link. It looks like I missed this step.
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