Custom logos / footers / background for Cloudflare Access

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What is the issue you’re encountering

This page: App Launcher · Cloudflare Learning Paths indicates that you can configure custom images for your app launcher. I had done that in the past, but now it seems that option is behind a paywall. Well, those image links I provided previous are now dead and I want to update them with new URLs, but the option is no longer there and it just shows dead links now.

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

Reviewed App Launcher · Cloudflare Learning Paths

Currently, as on the Docs states:

Only available on Pay-as-you-go and Enterprise plans.

Did you used Enterprise, or still using Enterprise plan?
Or this was possible since before, and now you cannot change it anymore as you’re stating?
Have you tried reaching out to Cloudflare Support?

The feature did not used to require a pair / Enterprise plan, I set up those photos before it was a paid feature and now I can’t remove them.

Also since I don’t have a paid subscription, this forum is my only support option.