I have a custom domain say (ADomain) on namecheap whose traffic I want to redirect my cloudflare server say (BDomain)
The steps I performed are:
added cname for (ADomain) with target app.customer (in namecheap)
then added cname “proxy-fallback” and target “BDomain” (in cloudflare)
Then added cname “*cname”" and target “proxy-fallback.BDomain” (proxied) (in cloudflare)
Then added fallback origin in custom hostname that was created above (in cloudflare)
Then added custom hostname “ADomain” (in cloudflare) with http validation TSL 1.0 default
It shows active status and ssl but when I type ADomain it says
This (ADomain) page can’t be found
No webpage was found for the web address: (ADomain)
I am writing ADomain, BDomain as I have limited permission being new user
Any help on this would be
No I didn’t add it on server. Just on namecheap this cname you mentioned and as a custom hostname on cloudflare.
How would I fulfill my scenario?
Want to render rio.steam from vogueemporiumpk.com
something like: vogueemporiumpk.com => proxy-fallback.rio.stream => rio.stream
Well, you need to add vogueemporiumpk.com, or how else would your server know what website to serve for that name?
Also, that we can see a 404 probably means that you are using the Flexible SSL mode in Cloudflare. We should really see a certificate error when you have not configured the domain on your server.
Flexible is not secure, as it only uses HTTP to connect to your server. I recommend that you use Full (strict) SSL setting in Cloudflare.
I was expecting to not configure anything on server explicitly. vogueemporiumpk.com should render content of rio.stream by cloudflare vogueemporiumpk.com => proxy-fallback.rio.stream (configured at cloudflare) => this should render rio.stream
On Enterprise plans, Cloudflare gives you the option to change the Host header and SNI via Origin Rules.
If you don’t have that, the request sent to your server will still be for vogueemporiumpk.com, so you need to configure that name and an SSL certificate with that name on your origin server.
You should be able to generate a Cloudflare Origin certificate for the name, now that it is verified as a custom domain.
As @Laudian stated, this will not be possible due to the fact that you are unable to create CNAMEs at the apex.
Even if your registrar shows you as correct, you can check it’s not propagating:
I would suggest that instead of trying to add your apex as a custom hostname, you could either:
a) add it to Cloudflare even as a free zone and then you’d be able to CNAME at the apex and add it as a custom hostname at the other zone.
or b)CNAME WWW (or any other subdomain) instead of the apex and do a redirect to www at your registrar (if possible).