Custom horizontal thumbnail on a vertical video



What is the issue you’re encountering

I am trying to display a horizontal thumbnail for a vertical video. At the moment the Cloudflare documentation did not solve my issue. How can I go about adjusting this?

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

I’ve looked at the documentation and couldn’t find a way to incorporate a horizontal image as a thumbnail for my vertical video.

I am not familiar, however you’d end up having “black” section above an below? :thinking:

Are you showing this video on some Website or?

What’s te resolution for vertical video and how do you implement a player? Do you use Stream Player? Is it responsive or not?

What’s the resolution of the thumbnail you’re using?

Have you tried adding height=360 or width=240 to the thumbnail.jpg URL as thumbnail.jpg?height=360 :thinking:

Have you tried using other attributes such as fit?