Curl PATCH giving me an authentication error

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Authentication Error

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I’m attempting to use a curl PATCH request to update my DNS records every time I open a new ngrok tunnel. However, no matter what I try, I’m getting an authentication error upon trying to run the script. I’ll paste the script in here once I figure out how to use this forum

Here’s my code. I was following an article, but have edited it a bit while troubleshooting.

ngrok config add-authtoken <MY NGROK TOKEN>
ngrok tcp 25565 --log=stdout >/dev/null &
sleep 1
PUBLIC_URL=$(curl -sS http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels | jq -r '.tunnels[0].public_url')

unset IFS;

curl -X PATCH "<ZONE ID>/dns_records/<RECORD ID>" \
  --header "X-Auth-Email: <My Account Email>" \
  --header "X-Auth-Key: <My Global API Key>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "data": {
    "port": '$PORT',
    "target": "'$URL'"

Are you sure you’re using the global API key, and not a token you generated?

I’m certain. I went to the “User API Tokens” page, and below the API tokens is the API keys, and I went to view the “Global API Key”, entered in my password, and accessed the key. I just now double checked to make sure the key inside my script is exactly the same as the one on the website.

Originally I was trying to use a token, but switched to using the global key to make sure I wouldn’t run into any issues with generating the wrong token given that I’m somewhat out of my depth when configuring the token

Ah, I finally spotted the mistake after triple and quadruple checking my keys for the umpteenth time-- I had accidentally pasted the record ID where the zone ID belongs.

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