Cumulative Layout Shift : Too long

What is the name of the domain?

What is the error number?


What is the error message?

No error message

What is the issue you’re encountering

Cumulative Layout Shift : Too long

What steps have you taken to resolve the issue?

In Page rules :
URL :*
Setting: Cache Level
Cache Level : Everything

In Speed > Optimization :
All (free) available settings are enabled

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

Hello, I have a free account and am trying to get better performance.

The website is a small website in pure HTML

in speed test am getting :
Time To First Byte : 0.02 s
First Contentful Paint : 0.82 s
Largest Contentful Paint : 0.82 s
Time to Interactive : 0.82 s
Total Blocking Time : 0 ms
Speed Index : 1.21 s
Cumulative Layout Shift : 0.68

Overall Score : 75

How can I improve Cumulative Layout Shift in order to achieve a better score in speed ?

Despite the score, that’s all quite fast :thinking:

What have you considered already from the report of Page Speed tool? :thinking:

Ensure images have set dimensions, use font-display: swap for fonts, and reserve space for dynamic content like ads to improve your CLS score. Your cache rules are appropriate for maximizing performance.